
Welcome to my blog. I express myself in this space through faith-driven content, reflective thoughts, poetry, style, travel, and photographs. Hope you have a nice stay!



This life is a kaleidoscope

of suffering and joy

of shifting tides and starry dreams

too ethereal too confusing to hold in our hands.

Instead they slip away through the cracks until

we cannot remember reality or truth.

“Awake O sleeper and arise from the dead

and Christ will shine on you.”

Sometimes it is hard to keep our

eyes up, to hope against hope.

Still, there is grace upon grace.

A truth too beautiful too holy to understand.

We bend we break we fall we cry

out we beg we worship we

remember we praise we stand

on trembling legs hands

outstretched toward the Father.


we fall

but we also


Posted on my poetry Instagram account, @k.olivlainez.poetry

Letters to God: A Short Series

Letters to God: A Short Series

The Heart of the Night

The Heart of the Night