Welcome to my blog. I express myself in this space through faith-driven content, reflective thoughts, poetry, style, travel, and photographs. Hope you have a nice stay!
Published poems featured on their site.
Published poem featured on their blog.
Published poems featured in A.B.Baird Publishing’s anthology book series.
Poetry and articles featured in Harness Magazine’s print and digital issues, as well as on their website.
“The Lessons in a Waiting Season” featured on Harness Magazine’s website.
“Why We Need the Wilderness” featured on Harness Magazine’s website.
“The Root of Love” featured in Harness Magazine’s print & digital Issue IV
“Morning” featured on Harness Magazine’s website.
"My Thoughts Are Scattered Seeds" featured on Harness Magazine’s print and digital Issue II
"Finding Your Inner Power" featured on Harness Magazine’s website.
Editorial and Social Media Coordinator | Abasto Magazine | April 2017- November 2018
Bilingual articles for Abasto Magazine on trends, industry updates, featured stories, and latest news in the food industry.
"The Power of Instagram and It's Influence on the Food Industry"
"Are Smart Speakers Available for the Multicultural Consumer?"
"McDonald’S Leaves Luis Fonsi Not Despacito, But Speechless"
More on abasto.com