The Faux Fur Statement
There are many things that I love to collect and own. I love collecting magnets and mugs from different places I visit in travels. When I was little, I liked collecting barbies. I always had a fascination with fashion and shopping for clothes, but having a statement piece for an outfit was always my favorite part. Lately, I've had a thing with statement jackets.
With fall quickly leading to dropping degrees and sharp gusts of wind, it has never been a better time for jackets. Specifically, faux fur. As a lover of animals, it's faux or nothing with me. Whether layered up or simply wearing a t-shirt and jeans, a statement jacket is the perfect piece to complete your outfit. Keeping you warm is a plus.
The outfit I'm wearing consists of a black turtleneck, gray and black striped mid-rise pants from Old Navy, and black women's oxford shoes. As seen in my other posts, I'm a huge lover of sunglasses and always add a pair to give a mysterious allure to all my outfits. You can never be uncool in a pair of sunglasses. I also added a world map watch with a black wrist because every outfit needs at least one accessory. Add the beautiful fur maroon statement jacket and you have the perfect glamour girl outfit. Are you an undercover celebrity or just a girl going to work? The world may never know, but what's for sure is that you'll look fabulous. (insert iPhone girl holding out her hand emoji).