Where Is Our Identity Rooted?
“But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.” James 1:22-25.
Though short, the book of James is full of wisdom for living a life that honors and glorifies God. This is one of my favorite verses from the book of James because I find it so powerful. Every time I read it; I have to stop to assess my recent activity. Have I been representing God in action and speech, or am I like the man who looks in the mirror and forgets who he is? What is my identity rooted in?
In our world today, there are so many voices shouting as us from different angles. Whether its social media, the opinions of others, our rollercoaster emotions, thoughts, the news, or the crowd, we must learn how to silence the noise and listen to the voice within. In order to know God’s voice, we must spend time with Him. We can’t recognize it if we barely make time to listen. Its equal parts reading the Bible and having a personal relationship with Him. Both feed each other in growing our understanding of God’s character and our purpose. As humans we constantly fluctuate between ideas and feelings that toss back and forth. We overthink and get anxious. We’re prone to wander, but God is prone to chase. We’re prone to confusion; He is prone to clarity. We have to humble ourselves, accept that we don’t know it all, submit our hearts to the element of mystery needed for faith, and trust in God. There must be equal parts repentance and acceptance, letting go of our former selves and holding on to God. There must be a forsaking before there can be a filling.
“God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts, you double-minded… Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will exalt you.” James 4:6-10.
Our identity should be deeply rooted in Christ. We are because He is. Our self-worth is measured not by human standards, but our Maker who loves and values us. Following Christ is deeper than posting a cute Bible verse on social media or showing up to church on Sundays. We have to actively live out the Word and have our actions align with our words. When we follow God, we are showing Him that we love and value Him too. How can we know who we are and how to live our lives if we don’t know who our Creator is, what He desires of us, and how He views us? How can we know ourselves if we don’t know Him?
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” James 1:5-8.
We can’t be rooted in God if we don’t trust Him, and we can’t understand our purpose if we don’t understand the character of the One we were made for. Unlike humanity, God never changes. His character is always the same. He is always faithful, He is always sovereign, and His promises always stand. We can say something today and then change our minds tomorrow, but the Word of the Lord endures forever (Isaiah 40:8 and 1 Peter 1:25).
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8.
Our identity should not be based on outward appearance or how many material possessions we own, nor should we judge others for those same reasons. We have to be careful lest materialism becomes our idol. Worldly values shouldn’t have a place in the heart of a Christ follower. God is not looking for a rich person, but a rich heart- a heart rich in His Word, in obedience, and sanctification. When all else falls away, God will always be there, and it is His clear voice we can recognize above the noisy chatter. We must learn to sit still and spend time with Him, to know His voice so that we may know our own. As Paul said in 2 Timothy, fight the good fight, finish the race, keep the faith (2 Timothy 4:7). We must remember our identity in our Maker.
“My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, and if you pay attention to the one who wears fine clothing and say “You sit in a good place,” while you say to the poor man, “You stand over there,” or “sit down at my feet,” have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him? But you have dishonored the poor man.” James 2:1-6.
Who we are shouldn’t be founded in materialist possessions, outward appearances, a crowd, an economic or career status, or the opinion of others, but rather in our Heavenly Father who has made all things for Himself and by Himself. There is a certainty within us when we trust in God, leaning on His presence and knowing He is with us. If God is for us, what can stand against us? (Romans 8:31). We are valued, seen, and chosen because God says we are. We are worthy in Him because He is worthy. There is no validation the world can give that God didn’t give first. Our identity and purpose are in God, in glorifying and worshipping Him with our lives. Dear readers, I pray we can know our identity in Christ with confidence, can honor Him with our lives, and remain rooted in Him. I pray we may posture our hearts for obedience, sanctification, direction, and clarity towards the goal of living a life worthy of the call God has placed over us.
“For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:16-17.